
Bend Calibration, My Honest Experience & Results

30th Jan 2025

Until a few weeks or months ago, I wasn’t too familiar with Bend Calibration. We don’t sell their maps and have no plans to sell their products. They recommend various products to their customers, some of which we offer and others we don’t. This isn’t a vendor ad; this is my honest review as a regular customer with zero financial incentive.

How I Ended Up Choosing Bend Calibration
I wanted a custom tune to take full advantage of stock turbos and an additional E85. I wasn’t sure who to go with and had posted about it multiple times on the forums. Bend Calibration wasn’t among my top two choices because I hadn’t looked into them much. I’d heard the name occasionally, but I never really dug deep. But some of you hardcore Bend fans wouldn’t stop pushing me to try them  im glad you guys are not into selling car parts; you could put me out of business with your sales skills! 
So, I finally caved and reached out.

Since I wasn’t sure if Bend even knew who I was, I introduced myself in my first email. I also made it 100% clear that I wasn’t looking for a free product or discount. They replied quickly, letting me know they were already familiar with Extreme Power House and even sent business our way, which is always a plus in my book! 
From there, their communication was topnotch.

I asked a lot of questions about tuning and mods. Their responses were detailed and fast, not just one-word replies to brush me off. They even explained things I didn’t ask about, ensuring I fully understood the process.

Choosing the Right Tune
I told them exactly what I wanted:
1-E50-E55 map for daily use
2-More power, but without pushing the car to its absolute limits
3-No headaches or reliability concerns, just a fun, fast, worry free setup

Bend suggested that I use a flex fuel map instead of an E50 fixed map for greater flexibility, which was perfect since I installed the PTF Flex Fuel Kit that same week.

Map Delivery & Initial Impressions
I submitted the request on Bootmod3, and my map was ready in less than 24 hours. It was so fast that I hadn’t even installed my Flex Fuel Kit yet, so I had to wait a few days before using it.

When they sent the maps, they walked me through everything:
1-What changes they made
2-What to datalog
3-How to fix potential issues ( i like how proactive they are, they send clear instructions to every step and in the same email send instruction on what to do if you run into issues)

I really appreciated this level of detail. Instead of leaving customers guessing, they give clear instructions, making the process smooth and hassle free.

First Drive – HOLY SH*T!
Once I finally installed the Flex Fuel Kit, I discovered something shocking, Las Vegas E85 is absolute garbage. Turns out my previous BM3 E30 OTS map was actually running on E15-E20 due to the poor ethanol quality. So, I filled up for an E55 mix, loaded the new Bend Calibration map, and went for a drive.


The power delivery was instant and smooth, hard to describe, but it felt like a massive surge of power that kept building. Here’s what I messaged Bend after my first drive:
"It’s hard to explain, but it’s a lot of power right away while still feeling smooth as it builds up. I know those sound contradictory, but that’s the best way I can describe it."
From 5,000 RPM onward, it held power all the way through, and I felt zero need to make adjustments; it was perfect out of the box.

Performance & Reliability: Exactly What I Wanted
I asked for:
1- A reliable daily setup with more power
2- Zero issues or surprises
3- A fun, fast car that doesn’t push limits unnecessarily

And that’s exactly what I got.
The map delivers crazy power, but in a smooth, predictable way. No sudden spikes, no drama, just consistent, reliable performance every time I step on it.

Datalog Review from Bend
After I sent them my logs, their response:
"Your turbos are very near the limit of their capacity, which I expected given your location. You’re at around 9.5/10 capacity, meaning this setup is fully optimized for power."
They also confirmed that my ethanol quality was terrible (no surprise there). They suggested sending logs for E10-E13 or E25-E35 to fine-tune the map for low octane fuel, which I’ll do soon but since I always use E55, I’m not in a rush.

Next Steps
1- Wagner Heat Exchanger
2- CSF Intake Manifold

Final Thoughts: 10/10 Experience
I wanted a reliable, powerful daily tune, and Bend Calibration delivered exactly that on the first revision!

1-Outstanding customer service
2-Quick responses & detailed explanations
3-A map that exceeded my expectations

I genuinely can’t think of anything they could’ve done better. I have massive respect for the team's expertise and professionalism.
If you’ve completed your basic bolt ons and want more power than an OTS map, I recommend going with Bend Calibration.

Now, What You’ve Been Waiting For, The Dyno Numbers
I usually avoid posting numbers because people don’t understand how dynos work, but let’s set the record straight:

1️-Stock run on the same dyno: 496 WHP (91 Octane, Catless Downpipes)
2️-Final tuned numbers: 715 WHP / 735 WTQ (E55 Mix, stock downpipes)

Important Notes on Dyno Comparisons:

1-Do NOT compare dynos between different locations, fuel quality plays a huge role.
2-Las Vegas 91 octane is the worst in the country, mixing E50 with high quality 93 octane elsewhere makes a big difference.
3-Vegas E85 quality is garbage, meaning my car was at a disadvantage compared to those in other cities with higher quality E85

Can I Make More Power?
Absolutely. If I:
1-Put my downpipes back on
2-Asked Bend to push more aggressively

In my opinion, I could have broken 750-760 WHP, even with Vegas's horrible fuel, if I had put high flow catted or catless downpipes and asked Bend for that extra turbo push.

Car Mods for Reference:
1️- Bootmod3
2️- Bend Calibration Flex Fuel Map
3️- PTF Flex Fuel Kit
4️- MAD Front Mount Silicone Intakes
5- MAD full catback exhaust
6- E55 Mix with 91 ACN Octane

Final Verdict – Should You Go With Bend Calibration?
If you want:
1-More power than OTS maps
2-A safe, reliable tune
3-Outstanding customer support

Then YES, Bend Calibration is the way to go.

Huge thanks to the Bend team for delivering exactly what I wanted. If you're considering a custom tune, I highly recommend them!

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